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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Updated Statement Regarding COVID-19

Playmates Child Care & Development center will continue to operate on normal schedule. At this time, there are no plans to close our campuses. We have implemented additional policies and directed our staff to clean high traffic areas throughout our campuses more frequently. The safety and well-being of our students and staff is our top priority.


** Campus 2 NC Pre-k Classes operate on JCPS schedule and will be closed until 3/30/20. Contact your campus about care during this time.


Updated on 3/17/20

Our Campuses Are Currently


What are we doing to help?

1. Playmates Child Care & Development Center INC has directed its staff to increase cleaning across all campuses and focus additional resources on high traffic areas.


2. Playmates Child Care & Development Center INC has and will continue to stay in contact with the DHHS and other regulatory agencies.


3. Playmates Child Care & Development Center INC has devoted staff and resources to monitor the COVID-19 situation throughout our campuses and community.


4. Playmates Child Care & Development Center INC has instituted an "Absolutely No Fever Policy". This policy is in effect to maintain health and safety throughout our campuses. At this time we will not accept doctors notes as an exception to this policy.


5. Playmates Child Care & Development Center INC has instructed its staff to Increase hand washing throughout the day. In addition, we will require hand washing at time of drop off and pick-up.


6. Playmates Child Care & Development Center INC will only allow lobby drop off and pick-up. To ensure the safety of our students and staff and limit the traffic through our campuses. Please remember only 1 adult is allowed to enter the campus at drop off/pick-up per child during this time. ** Note infant rooms will have additional policies for Drop-off and Pick up. 

Please allow additional time in your schedule for drop off and pick-up


7. While Playmates Child Care & Development Center INC believes that inclusion and interaction is important for healthy development. At this time we will temporarily close Cafeteria areas throughout our campuses and move to small group meal times within the classroom.


8. Playmates Child Care & Development Center INC has implemented our "Stop The Spread Policy". We ask that if your child has come in contact with a sick individual or if someone in your home is sick that you keep your child at home. If your child displays symptoms while in our care we will separate the child from the class and ask the parent to pick up the child within 1 hour.


9. Playmates Child Care & Development Center INC has imposed a travel restriction at all of our campuses. All field trips and distant learning activities are postponed.


10. Playmates Child Care & Development Center INC has asked its staff to maintain limited social interaction outside of the workplace.

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What can parents do to help?

You as a parent can play an important role in the health and well being of our centers.

We ask that you limit your child's exposure to large groups outside of campuses. Please alert us if your child begins displaying symptoms or becomes sick. In addition, we ask that you inform your Childs center if you believe your child has come in contact with someone that has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Always use your judgment when determining if your child should attend.


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