Our Programs

Our Infant Program is designed to stimulate infants through daily routines tailored to each child including physical development, language and literacy, and social learning. Through our daily activities, we create an environment that enables an infant's brain to establish important relationships and develop fundamental skills.

Our One Year Old Program is designed to offer a fun and safe environment for our young explorers. While individualized attention is still very important, our teachers focus on providing learning opportunities for all children. This is the stage where children will build upon gross and fine motor skills by learning how to feed themselves with a spoon, different art techniques, and engaging with toys. The children work towards adjusting to just one nap during the day, social development, self-help skills, and learning to play with others.

Our Two’s Program bases its curriculum around the well-known fact that a majority of learning for two-year olds takes place while playing. Two-year-olds have a sense of independence and are filled with a high level of curiosity for the world around them. Our teachers work to build trust with both you and your child while providing a sense of security and warmth to the classrooms. This classroom works heavily on self-help skills, which include toilet training and dressing while the children start to experience structured large-group activities. There is also a focus on encouraging curiosity through manipulative toys, books, and art work.
Preschool (3-4)

Our Preschool Program (3-4’s) are designed to meet the educational and developmental needs of young children as they begin preparing for elementary school. Our educated staff develops daily lesson plans, which focus on all areas of development. Our Preschool classrooms (3-4's) are engaged with a lot of hands-on fun, with a variety of activities and equipment for children to explore and learn while having fun. Our teachers emphasize early literacy through games, books, and daily activities. The children are encouraged to begin understanding others feelings as well as communicating their own, all while building friendships.

Our Pre-Kindergarten Program is designed to prepare children for elementary school. The program offers many opportunities for children to participate in hands-on, integrated and fun learning activities, which are developed by our well-educated and trained teachers. We understand that young children learn best through playing, exploring and experimenting, which is why the pre-kindergartners are encouraged to visit developmentally appropriate learning centers. The curriculum allows the children to participate in individual, small and large group activities, thus allowing our teachers to focus on the individual needs of each child. Playmates Child Care strongly emphasize an optimistic attitude toward learning school readiness skills while sharing the joy in teaching our leaders of the future.
After-School / Summer Program

Our School Age & Summer Care Program offers a Before & After-School program which provides school-age children with engaging hands-on activities that will peak their interest as well as provide help with homework.
We provide transportation for your child to get to and from school.
Our Summer Care Program is full of summer activities and pre-planned field trips. Your child will enjoy the wide range of activities that allow them to explore and discover all while creating friendships.